18B Wellard Square, Cnr Runnymede Gate & The Strand, Wellard WA 6170

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Perfect Smiles

Wellard’s most experienced dentists,
providing quality care with a full range of dental services.

Dental Implants

A natural-looking solution to gaps or unsightly teeth

Having a missing tooth can also mean a gap in your confidence, and solutions such as bridges or dentures can feel uncomfortable and do not always look or feel natural. There is no longer any need to suffer with a bad tooth for years or endure root canal therapy simply to avoid having an unsightly gap that can misalign your teeth. A dental implant can make all the difference to the health and appearance of your teeth, allowing you to fill any gaps in your teeth as well as giving you back your smile.

A simple procedure

A dental implant may sound complicated, but it is actually a simple procedure that can be performed at our practice in just two appointments. After your mouth is numbed, a small incision is made in your gum and a titanium screw is placed in your jaw where the implant will be placed. By giving the screw some time to adjust, between one and three months, it has time to bond with your bone and soft tissue for a natural feel. The second appointment then simply involves adding the crown to the root and filling the gap, leaving you to feel comfortable and natural in your mouth.

The advantages of dental implants include:

  • Retaining your bone structure
  • Colour matching with your other teeth
  • Preventing misalignment of the surrounding teeth
  • Providing durability and strength so you can enjoy your favourite foods

Part of your teeth

Because dental implants become a natural part of your teeth, there is no special maintenance or cleaning needed as you might expect with dentures. You simply follow your usual oral hygiene routine, so there is no disruption to your busy life.

If you are considering replacing a dead tooth or filling a gap with an implant, simply give us a call for a consultation and further information on this simple yet effective procedure.

Please note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding with a surgical or invasive procedure, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.