18B Wellard Square, Cnr Runnymede Gate & The Strand, Wellard WA 6170

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Perfect Smiles

Wellard’s most experienced dentists,
providing quality care with a full range of dental services.


Improve the look of your smile with natural-looking veneers

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of translucent material that are permanently attached to the outside of the teeth. They are strong and durable, typically made from porcelain or ceramic materials. Their purpose is to make teeth straight, white, and even by hiding any unsightly abnormalities in your smile.

Keeping your teeth white

These natural-looking coatings can cover up a range of cosmetic issues including cracks, small or worn-down teeth, chipped enamel, stains or discolouration, crooked teeth, and more. Since the material is stain-resistant, this is also a functional way to help your teeth stay white for longer.

When applying veneers, the process depends on the individual. In most cases however, they are only applied to teeth which are visible when smiling. Our team will help create a personalised plan to restore your smile by examining the condition of your teeth and consulting with you about your desired look.

Creating veneers

Due to its complicated nature, the veneer application process may take more than one visit. After checking the health of your teeth and gums, it may then be necessary to remove a thin layer of enamel to create room. In these cases, a temporary veneer will be applied to protect your teeth during these intermediate stages. After creating a model of your teeth, our dentists will consult with you about producing the final veneer design. 3D virtual simulations will be used so you can adjust the look prior to manufacture if necessary. Once the printing process has been completed, the veneers will be permanently bonded to your teeth.

If you suffer from unsightly teeth and are interested in veneers as a cosmetic dentistry solution, get in touch with our team and book an appointment. We will happily answer any questions you may have and offer further details on how veneers can improve your smile.prove your smile.

Please note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding with a surgical or invasive procedure, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.